Saturday 25 January 2014


To say that I am a bit weary of the weekend is an understatement.
So much free time.
Going out and catching up with family and friends and keeping to within my food plan has very good odds to crumbling.
Happy to say that because I'm not doing some crazy diet that keeps me on the edge of starvation, I have done well today.
Also being a long weekend adds another day to keep on track.
It seems so much easier to keep on track thru the working week. There is a lot of structure to the working week with defined breaks and set schedules but not so for weekends which is good it helps you relax by breaking up the routine.

I was contemplating if I should break routine and not train on Monday. My personal trainer Marco said that he would be happy to come in but was up to me.
After thinking about it I decided that I was not going to break my plan, I was going to stick with what I had committed to myself.

So happy with my progress so fare.
A questio that I was only ask now was how often are you going to publish yourweights readings.
I have done lots of weight lose program and they are telling me to check the scales on a dalily basis, and I see no point in doing that and from the study I have done it seems that a good time frame would be every 14 days.
So I am looking to have my first weight next Sunday 2nd Feb.
As this is going to be a slow and steady transformation I'm expecting a modest figure. As the actual goal is not to lose weight. It is to lose body fat and increase lean muscle.
So by saying that I am not expecting huge numbers as if all is going to plan I should be adding muscle from my weight training and in turn that muscle will help me burn body fat.

I think that is were most people go wrong and lose heart when they check the scales to much and dont get there head around that this is a long term plan.
This is a plan of small increments and I know it is hard to think that fare ahead and not lose heart as I have been one of those people!

Thanks for reading

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