Monday 20 January 2014

On the First Day................

So the day has arrived.

well it's late in the day now and what do I have to tell you.

This Is the protein pack I use
 Today went great, up for Gym at 6 Am and had a really good session with Marco, felt good to be back.
Had my protein, I use a protein call Protein 2.0 from a company called DUB Nutrition.  It is a Collagen based protein not a powder shake, it comes in the form of a gel . sooooo much easier to take than my old powder whey protein. Tastes better to..

After gym headed home to eat my breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs (3)
Now please note that the 3 whole eggs is not what I should be having but I have had to modify my breakfasts for the time being due to the lack of egg whites being sold in the market. (Just my luck Coles took egg whites out of there range).
It was only days before starting this I walked through Coles and saw that they had these egg whites in a frozen pack and Saturday when I went to gather all my ingredients for the week and....... nothing.............timing..... is this some plan to bring me down already?
So not wanting to waste I'm doing a 3 egg in stead of a 1 whole egg to 4 egg white.
As well as the eggs i have some oatmeal. so very filling really.

Also I took my supplements, time to get this vitamin D up as well as get some goodness in me.

Then off to work

Snack was fruit and nuts about 10Am

Lunch was great I made up some Tandoori chicken breast Sunday night ready to be made up into wraps in the morning. They were great, found some great organic wraps linseed, oat and something. Bit of lettuce carrot dash of very light mayo and walla..... tandoori chicken wrap.
Belinda (my wife) loved them also. Think we were on a winner.

afternoon snack was an apple and another protein. Choc Mint yum!

Dinner was steak fajitas with capsicum, onion, mushroom with dash of low ranch dressing.  So fast to make and crazy good too.  Really I can't complain. I have not felt hungry or wanting for anything.
That's the mark of a good plan to me, If I'm stalking the fridge at anytime then it not working.
So far so very good.

OK now for some numbers

Today before I left to go to the gym I weighed myself to have a starting figure. To be honest I was not happy with what i saw.


That's a huge number and more than I thought actually. I see a long road ahead but I will get there.

Tonight I was watching The Biggest Loser which is something I never do. I hate those kinds of show
but I know it has a following and I know it has helped a lot of people but I don't know, it still seems off to me but each to their own.
Anyway I was watching it with Belinda and we were watching the first weigh in by the group that were going into the house.
Now I was expecting to see crazy numbers up there but to my surprise they all but two weigh less than me.
And it hit me if i was in there I would be the second biggest guy there.
That hit hard. I said to Bels man I'm huge, Bels said no you big boned there is no way your as big as them.
But I am and I'm glad that I have started this.

I looked up my BMI today

BMI 20.01.2014...................  44.8

Another crazy number and once again alot of work to fix this.

This is a picture of myself in fine 'over weight' splendor and my wife Belinda.

I hope in a year there will be a very different picture taken!


  1. Well written. Congratulations on starting your journey. Sometimes that is the hardest part.

    1. Hi Miriam I try.
      Thanks for taking the time to look.
      Feel free to let me know if I'm not medical correct in any areas Dr :)
