Monday 20 January 2014

So Close

So it is Sunday the day before the beginning of my health journey .
I have tried to clear everything that could have been a hinderance to me in this,food wise!
1 Foot Wide and 1/2 Foot high 

Only yesterday we was cooking a birthday cake for Belinda's mums 66th, sure that it would kill a horse with the sugars and cream content. It was a crazy big cake that delivered on it intent, to shock and awe and it did that well and truly.
For those that know me cakes are my thing and the bigger and grander the better.

I have tried to make going into this as easy as possible by planning ahead. The food plan was crazy easy to do and not to mention I think we are going to save a bit with this as well.
Looking forward to hitting the gym again after so long but I'm sure i will feel the pain later.

No Pain No Gain

wish me luck for 6 Am

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