Now for the plan......
Well I have a three pronged plan and it goes a little like this
E.F.S Trident
E = ExerciseF = Food
S = Supplement
Now let me break it down for you.
I have come up with EFS as it will cover everything that I need to address.
Firstly exercise
well it goes with out saying that for me to have any hope of beating the issues I have, exercise is going to play a huge part.So as of the 20th of Jan I will be training with my personal trainer Marco.
I have trained with Marco on other occasions and found him to be the best trainer I have found.
It is so important to find someone that you connect with and feel comfortable with as this can make all the difference.
So as of Monday I will be doing mostly anaerobic work outs with Marco, With my body type I find it hard to do running or working out on machines like the cross trainer, it kills my knees and last thing I need is a injury that will hold me back from completing my goals.
Plus weights are a favorite of mine, I actual feel I am accomplishing something when doing them and being engaged I believe is half the battle.
Finding something that works and finding something that you like!
Now im taking it slow for two weeks, working out three days a week at my local gym but after that I'm looking to go it alone with my exercise routine. I think at some point you need to leave the nest after you have a good understanding of the exercises and the best form possible while doing these exercises.
It takes a while to find the muscle memory while doing weights as training with poor form is deadly and as I said I can't afford down time with injury.
Now I am going to be doing aerobic work outs as well but I'm being very careful with my methods of exercise. Luckily there are many pieces of equipment that can work up a sweat and be less stressful on joints.
6 days a week with a day off for rest.
OK now like many of you I'm sure this is the hardest part to face.Food is a huge part of my life, to say I love food is an understatement. It's not that I love huge crazy out of control meal sizes or anything it's just I love the finer things in life. I was told by a friend recently that the way I describe food is amazing, apparently when I describe food I paint a picture and it is quite evident that I have a very close relationship with food but at times that relationship is a destructive one.
In the past when dieting (please not that in no way am I calling or treating what I am doing as a diet, diets don't work and the past 15 years has proven that time and time again) I have cut and slashed at what I eat and withheld, denided, abstained from just about everything that was in my non-diet menu.
Now this was not a plan, well maybe it was. A plan to fail I think.
First and foremost if a menu can't work on an on going basis it will never work.
I am pleased to say that I have found a great menu plan (supplied by my supplement company) that is very doable on a long term basis. If I get bored with my food this is not going to work.
OK now portion control, this is a biggy well I think it is for me.
I love my food but I'm not all about big serves but I must admit that when I look at the size of the plates in my cupboard I see a problem.
If I look at the old plates in there that were passed down by family and some of these plate are as old as me. Now there is something that is quite evident when you see the old plates and the new ones we have, the new ones are almost twice the size of the old plates.
Meaning we were eating less or had smaller portions in times past.
When dishing up I guess I always try to fill the plate so it did not look so empty. I guess I should take a leaf out of high class restaurant book - 80% plate 20% food but not only the plates but the bowls are an issue as well.
So with this in mind there is going to be a change in crockery!
Now I'm guessing a few of you would be wondering what I mean by supplement.In a nut shell it's going to fill the gaps in my nutritional requirement.
As you can see by my blood test I have some deficiency and my food intake may not be able to give me all that I need.
So in doing my research I have found a system that was recommended to me by an old friend.
He has been using these products for some time and has had some fantastic results.
Looking in to the system it seems to cover everything I need at this time.
I am looking to tell you more about this product and system once I have tried and used the products but from what I have seen its all looking good.
They are where I have got my meal plans from and just going on that they know what they are on about.
Not only have they hit the mark on the food but at the same time keeping me in line. Looking at the meals there is nothing I can see that I would not eat or more importantly nothing that is time consuming or complicated which is a very important for our house.
Both working full time coming home and having to make some crazy meal is just not viable or even worse have to pay crazy amounts for home delivered food that is way under the quality that is advertised on TV.
For me fast and tasty is the way to go and in the past that has meant bad foods quick but as I am learning fast can be good and with a few changes can really super charge me towards my goals.
So this is very basic but it's what I'm working towards.
As always any question please ask.
Thank you for reading.