Thursday 23 January 2014

Walking up a storm

Hi all, well things have been traveling great and best of all I am feeling fine.

I am shocked at the recovery times after my workouts. My supplements are doing there job great.

I have been taking long walks at night working my self up to a point were i can do a jog or a intermittent walk/jog situation but taking it easy for the first week or so, see how I pull up.
The walks are good in so many ways, gets me out and thinking of the day and week to come.
Quiet a therapeutic solution.My old runners have had there day I think, lots of rolling not so much support. Time for a n up grade me thinks.
With nothing else at me like TV or other out side influences it's great time to process, clears the mind.

Who new exercise was were I would find my universal oneness haha
to find ones self you need to lose ones self

Well that's me for today, bed time nite all and thanks for reading.

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