Tuesday 21 January 2014

Feeling the pain

Well I new it was on its way after having such a great gym session yesterday, soreness is in the house.

But really it is quiet mild compared to other times I have gone to the gym.
I guess the supplements are doing there job in helping me recover quickly for DOMS ( delayed onset muscle soreness )

Today has gone really well once again.

Still have not fixed the egg white situation but I should have a plan by tomorrow.

So the day has gone well, very busy work day.
With my training I have to be very consensus of being able to function. No good having a great workout if you can't earn the next day.

I Must admit the first time I ever did weights I could not move the next day, I had  never felt pain like that but as I have learnt over time there is no better feeling. It is the feeling of growth, makes me feel like what I have done will bear results. It's one of the only indicators for me when working out that there is actually something working such as seeing weight lose it's such a gradual thing but  without fail next day after working out there it is.

Tonight I'm doing the cardio part of my plan.
Hitting the pavement for a good long walk on the none weights days.(Tues Thur Sat)
I will be working myself up to something alot more physical as I progress but as I said I have to be able to walk the next days so taking it slow and steady for the first week.

Well I took my walk and ended up going about further than I thought.
7 km which I think was a good job, now to keep up to that standard.

Taking an early night ready for training in the morning, a good nights rest is as important to you success as what you eat. Well that's what I have herd any way.

Night all and thank you for reading.

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