Wednesday 29 January 2014

Has been to long!

It has been some time since I have had a chance to write here.
There has simply been so much going on.
I have been on track with plans and could not be happier.
There has been so much going on in my life with work, family and so much more but the good news is still on track and loving what I'm doing.
I have been keeping up with my gym and also walking 6 to 7 km 6 days a week, this is about an hour walk.
This has had a really big effect on many things, the scale result are great but I'm waiting until Feb 14th for my first scale results that I will publish.
This will be one month since starting this journey and for me I think this is going to be a long term plan.
I am not looking to break any records or gauge myself against any body else results. This is my journey and what i achieve is what I achieve.
I will be happy no matter what my results.
I can feel already feel the changes in me and not only physically.
I have gained so much more!
Special Mention to the Dub Nutrition system, really making this journey so much easier.

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