Saturday 22 February 2014

The Results Are In

So I thought I would be writing this much sooner than this.

It amazes me how you can get caught up with life and how the days fly by.

It was my intention to do a weight in on the 14th of Feb and that day has come and gone!

Not to worry as my lose as in body weight lose is a subjective thing.
My focus has always been on getting to optimal health not hitting a number.
 The numbers for me will only ever be just that, just a number.
It does not defined me or define my potential.

Tomorrow we are off to south Australia to visit some dear friends and I thought I  would get this done and put it out there before we go.

OK so here we go.

For those that don't remember  my start weight 20.01.2014...........................165.9Kg


Weight as of 22.02.2014.............................. 147.2Kg

    Wow 18.7Kg in just over a month!

After stepping off the scales I really did not know what to say, think.
I have not been that low since um.......... well I don't remember so it must have been happy right now :)

Saturday 8 February 2014

Taking Jane to Karate!

Well today has been a long time coming.
Last year I committed to taking Jane my niece to Karate.
I have been thinking of going back as I did love it and I can't remeber why I left.  I guess it must have been when I left Tassie.

Grandpa Pete's started taking Jane to Karate when she visited Hobart and his hope was that she would continue a family tradition.

It has been some time since I have been in a Dojo but like most things in life some lessens learn t are not forgotten so quickly. I surprised myself with what I had retained.

After arriving there for a 9.30am start I new I was in for a killer session, so the day arrives and it had to be in the middle of the hottest week ever.

9.30am start and it was already 35 degs.
So the session starts and all is going well, remebering lots from my past. It was great to not feel compleatly out of place.

Jane was doing well and before we new it we had done half the class.
So Jane turns to me and in her loudest voice and asks

" Uncle Matt why are you sweating so much"

trying my hardest not to clasp my hand over her mouth I said while everyone was turning towards us to hear my response. So what could I say but the truth

 "sweetie I'm old and fat" the room breaks into a giggle.

After a few seconds of studying what I said, I could see her mind ticking over with the next question.
Then out it came with as must gusto as the first statement.

"So is the why you look like you have just got out of the shower"

more giggles

"yes sweetie when you are over weight its harder to do things but I am try to get fit and that's why I am here with you"

Then I see she has another question or statement to add.
Then she said this

"OK so I will help you until you don't sweat any more uncle Matt and your not old.......... well sort of"
Too cute!

Saturday 1 February 2014

How about this heat!

So this week is from hell!
For those that know me, heat, hot weather does not mix well with me.
It is very hard to working in, and even hard to workout in.
But I think my routine of talking my walk later at night, around 9pm has work really well.
As a Tassie boy I can take a hot day or two but weeks, wow no way.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Has been to long!

It has been some time since I have had a chance to write here.
There has simply been so much going on.
I have been on track with plans and could not be happier.
There has been so much going on in my life with work, family and so much more but the good news is still on track and loving what I'm doing.
I have been keeping up with my gym and also walking 6 to 7 km 6 days a week, this is about an hour walk.
This has had a really big effect on many things, the scale result are great but I'm waiting until Feb 14th for my first scale results that I will publish.
This will be one month since starting this journey and for me I think this is going to be a long term plan.
I am not looking to break any records or gauge myself against any body else results. This is my journey and what i achieve is what I achieve.
I will be happy no matter what my results.
I can feel already feel the changes in me and not only physically.
I have gained so much more!
Special Mention to the Dub Nutrition system, really making this journey so much easier.

Saturday 25 January 2014


To say that I am a bit weary of the weekend is an understatement.
So much free time.
Going out and catching up with family and friends and keeping to within my food plan has very good odds to crumbling.
Happy to say that because I'm not doing some crazy diet that keeps me on the edge of starvation, I have done well today.
Also being a long weekend adds another day to keep on track.
It seems so much easier to keep on track thru the working week. There is a lot of structure to the working week with defined breaks and set schedules but not so for weekends which is good it helps you relax by breaking up the routine.

I was contemplating if I should break routine and not train on Monday. My personal trainer Marco said that he would be happy to come in but was up to me.
After thinking about it I decided that I was not going to break my plan, I was going to stick with what I had committed to myself.

So happy with my progress so fare.
A questio that I was only ask now was how often are you going to publish yourweights readings.
I have done lots of weight lose program and they are telling me to check the scales on a dalily basis, and I see no point in doing that and from the study I have done it seems that a good time frame would be every 14 days.
So I am looking to have my first weight next Sunday 2nd Feb.
As this is going to be a slow and steady transformation I'm expecting a modest figure. As the actual goal is not to lose weight. It is to lose body fat and increase lean muscle.
So by saying that I am not expecting huge numbers as if all is going to plan I should be adding muscle from my weight training and in turn that muscle will help me burn body fat.

I think that is were most people go wrong and lose heart when they check the scales to much and dont get there head around that this is a long term plan.
This is a plan of small increments and I know it is hard to think that fare ahead and not lose heart as I have been one of those people!

Thanks for reading

Friday 24 January 2014

New Shoes Jenny!

Well Leg day has arrived and had a great workout with Marco PT.
For those that don't know what I mean its simple.
Mondays at the gym I do weights and I do my chest, Wednesday is back and shoulders and Friday is Legs.
I am very strategic in my planning of my weeks exercises as I would not want to do Legs Monday only to not be able to walk Tuesday work day.
It's not that I can't walk or function but its a hard feeling to describe really.
DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness is moderate muscle pain that is felt 12 to 24 hours after exercise.
It's a common symptom following taking up a new exercise routine or after increasing the intensity or duration of your exercise program. DOMS is the result of new stress on muscle tissue that's not used to being exerted in a certain way. 
DOMS is thought to be caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers, which arise when we push our bodies harder than they're accustomed to. The inflammation that also accompanies these tears also contributes to the increased soreness and stiffness.

DOMS can affect anyone regardless of their fitness levels. Any new form of exercise that leads to muscles stiffness is simply a sign that your body is adapting to the new strain.

So being that this is the first session I have had for a long time I'm expecting to feel the pain but it's a good pain, it's my friend in away. Lets me know that what I did was pushing my boundary's and there for it was a good workout.

I am also looking forward to see how my supplementation helps this factor. As It has been great with the other work outs. It does not eliminate the DOMS but lessens the intensity and duration.

Been that my legs are my biggest muscles I should expect to feel quiet alot and be in for a ride, but I will wait and see. I have been pleasantly surprised with the recovery for the other two workouts.

I felt so good at the end of the day I went for another walk to loosen up the leg before bed. 
Another 8km night.

As of next week Im going to start timing my self around the track I have made in and around my estate.

Time taken to do my course helps me see alot of things, energy levels, stamina and by tracking them I can see what effect my times, food, work load of the working week and so forth.

Also what helped me today was I got myself some new shoes and to say they made a difference was the
understatement of the year.

Nothing but fantastic, my old ones were really holding me back. Only thing was the price.

You see when I go into a store, no matter what I am looking for I am driven by one factor and one factor only.

Do you have my size!
You see when I went to go buy this new pair I went to a store that specializes in sports shoes.
Now the first comment from the assist was "OK lets see what shoe you need for your particular foot".
My first comment was " well lets forget the shoe technology and lets start with do you have size 14US and if you do then lets discuss on each shoe there merits and functions".

I have had many years of training in stopping shop assistant's in there tracks. I see no point in going thru all the great point of a product if you don't have it in my size.
The shop assistant said she had never done it that way but would do ask I asked.

She soon found out that my way was the best way as there were only three shoe in that size.
and after trying all found only one was a fit, lucky for me it also had the requirements for my specific foot type.which is crazy as I normally have to take what I can get. My lucky day I guess.

So I have new shoes, but still not sure how a shoe can cost that much.
I asked as to how long the warranty was and would they last a year with 3 to 4 times a week use.
I got a really dumb founded look on the girls face which told me no.
Well I guess I will see how long it takes to wear them out.

another good day, this journey is enjoyable. Not what I expected.
If you have any questions please ask away.
Thanks for reading.