It amazes me how you can get caught up with life and how the days fly by.
It was my intention to do a weight in on the 14th of Feb and that day has come and gone!
Not to worry as my lose as in body weight lose is a subjective thing.
My focus has always been on getting to optimal health not hitting a number.
The numbers for me will only ever be just that, just a number.
It does not defined me or define my potential.
Tomorrow we are off to south Australia to visit some dear friends and I thought I would get this done and put it out there before we go.
OK so here we go.
For those that don't remember my start weight 20.01.2014...........................165.9Kg
Weight as of 22.02.2014.............................. 147.2Kg
Wow 18.7Kg in just over a month!
After stepping off the scales I really did not know what to say, think.I have not been that low since um.......... well I don't remember so it must have been happy right now :)
Well done :-)